Author: Jade Gutierrez – Digital and Content Specialist   Creating family memories doesn’t need to be complicated. Imagine your family snuggled around a cracking campfire, laughing at your kid’s silly story with the lingering taste of charred marshmallow...

Kris’ Corner – You should never disrupt a placement, Part Two

As I mentioned in Part 1 of this “two part series”, we ended up disrupting two placements. And since this is clearly NOT what should happen, I want to discuss some ways I believe that at least one of these disruptions could have been avoided. Let me begin by saying...

Kris’ Corner – You should never disrupt a placement Part 1

OK so I’m about to delve into something I don’t like to discuss because it makes me feel as though I failed. I’m an enneagram Type 1 so if you’re into that sort of thing, you’ll understand that I am something of a perfectionist. And even though I am aware that I am...

Kris’ Corner – Does 1 parent need to stay at home?

As you may recall from the post about Foster Parents Must Be Married, (spoiler alert in case you have not read it): foster parents do not have to be married; single people can absolutely be foster parents. So if we understand that foster parents can be single, and we...

Kris’ Corner – Protecting your child’s story

One role of a foster parent which isn’t often discussed is that of “keeper of the story”. And what I mean by that is that as a foster parent, you are tasked with preserving and holding the story of the child entrusted to your care… So what IS the big deal about the...